Natalie update

June 16, 2009/Natalie
Natalie is almost five…I really can’t believe it. She is the typical first child – type A personality, totally in charge (of everyone if she had her way), rules-oriented, and very organized. It is not uncommon for me to see her rearranging her toys or books or trinkets on the top of her dresser. In fact this morning, on my way back to my room from unhooking Ryan’s morning feeds, I saw Natalie singing to herself, standing on a step stool rearranging the dresses in her closet. She was happy as a peach. 

She came to me this morning and asked me if she could do some laundry. Laundry? I thought. I hesitated for a split second trying to decide if she is old enough to indeed do a load of laundry by herself. I decided she isn’t. The biggest reason is I’m too scared some freak accident would happen and she would fall in a washer full of water and not be able to get out. The second reason is I don’t want her to use too much soap. I told her to wait for me to come down and supervise. 
Speaking of soap, I did make it down to the laundry room to find Natalie bawling Ainsley out for scooping almost an entire box of laundry detergent into the washer. (thankfully it was empty.) This was exactly reason number two for not letting them do laundry by themselves. I ordered Ainsley out of the laundry room so I could collect myself while cleaning up the mess. 
I methodically scooped the detergent with a dinner spoon into the little transparent green measuring cup that comes with the soap box. I then had Natalie dump the cup of detergent back into the box. She watched me for awhile and then said, “How’s the digging in there going?” Then went back to smoothing out the detergent she’d just poured back into the box. “I’m just flattening this down. It’s like a facano (volcano) and I don’t want it to spill out.”  
After our laundry escapade Natalie said, “Where’s my list? I already did the cat, mom, and now I need to see what’s next.” 
Here is her list. 

You can see she has check-off boxes beside each item. The first one is her name, the second is the letters ATC, which represent CAT. She mixed up the letters, but managed to get fresh food and water for Taurus.  So, I asked her what was next. I think she said something like chores and I said, “Well, I thought we could make some banana muffins together. Would you like to do that next?”
“Oh yeah” she said, “that’s the next thing on my list. I just read it wrong.”
When we got to the kitchen I realized that it was time for me to set up Ryan’s feeds and pump so I suggested, “why don’t you grab a book and you can read to me while I pump.”
“No, reading is last on the list.” she said. 
“You don’t have to do your list in order, you know. You can read now and then check it off the list. That way it’s done.” I said. 
“Nah, I need to do it last.” She said. 
That girl and her lists. I have no idea where she gets that from. 
The biggest update on Natalie is that we started today weaning her from sucking her thumb. It’s a really big deal…she sucks her thumb in any new and stressful situation and I feel as if I’m taking her security away. But, I know it needs to be done. The dentist wants her to stop by her birthday in October so we need to start now. We warned her all last week that she only had until today to suck her thumb and then we would paint hot sauce on it. 
I bought a product from Target pharmacy that is supposed to deter thumb sucking. Supposed to because my daughter actually likes spicy food so after the first little kick and a drink of milk, she was sucking her thumb again. “Look, mommy, it’s good.” She said. 
The next thing I tried was having her wear gloves. She sucked her wooly thumb in defiance. “Fine.” I said. “I’m buying something else to put on your thumb.”  And I left the room.
I had already warned Natalie that it would be difficult to stop sucking her thumb; that she would be sad and would have to think of something else to help her during those times. She came and found me in the kitchen. “Mommy, I need my thumb when I”m sad. It’s the only thing that makes me happy.”
I knew this would be a problem. “I have something for you that I was going to save for tonight, but I’ll give it to you now if you promise to stop sucking your thumb. It might help.”
“Ok, mommy. I promise I’ll try.” she said bravely.
I led her to my hiding spot in the basement and handed her a stuffed Angelina Ballerina doll. Natalie was estatic and carried Angelina around all day. Tonight when she headed off to bed, we reviewed what she could do instead of sucking her thumb – rub Angelina’s ear, hold Angelina’s hand, stroke Angelina’s fur, etc.  Sure enough, I went in to check on her and shock of all shocks, Angelina had prominent position and neither of Natalie’s thumbs were in her mouth. I was for certain in her sleep she would bring her hand to her mouth. Henry and I checked her multiple times and each time she has not been sucking her thumb. 
So, day one of the thumb weaning is down…. so many more to go. Anyone have any advice on how to train a child to stop sucking their thumb?

Comments (6)

  • Courtney / June 16, 2009 / Reply

    i got nothin. we tried and tried with rebekah…and she ended up having to get a retainer from it. but now she stopped 🙂 she can’t suck it with a retainer! and now we have to deal with bailey. she sucks her thumb too…

  • Judy / June 16, 2009 / Reply

    Come on people…leave some advice! I’m going to need all the help I can get. I’ve got a four year old who’s a thumb addict and I didn’t do so good myself. I sucked my thumb until I was 8.

  • Julie / June 16, 2009 / Reply

    I immediately thought “she needs to put it on her list, so she can check it off that she did it…” If she is a list kid it might work??!?!?!

    Eli was such a good kid, at 3 I told him he had to stop and he did. He cried some, but he stopped. I was so thankful he has ALWAYS sucked his thumb since he was a week old.

    Jasper never sucked ANYTHING until 1 week before he turned 1… isnt’ that odd? He sucks it and has been for almost a year… and his thumb is so cracked and sore, that I just noticed two days ago that he is now sucking the OTHER thumb as a substitute. WOW. I am in for trouble. So, I am curious as well if anyone has any ideas!!!

  • The Scherms / June 16, 2009 / Reply

    Yeah Natalie!!!
    She did great day 1! Hope it’s still going well!
    I hate to admit this to the world(wideweb), but I sucked my fingers until I was 7, like Natalie only at night. I REALLY wanted to get my ears pierced, so my parents told me if I stopped I could. That was all it took! I quit and got earrings! At this age I think a big reward is the best you can do.

  • johanna / June 17, 2009 / Reply

    No advice here. sorry! My kids were pacifier addicts. We simply threw them away. Guess that doesn’t work on the thumb. But I am so impressed at how you treat your children and explain things to them. I always stumble over my words when trying to explain things to my children. I hope angelina helps the weaning process. Very cute picture.

  • Steph B / June 23, 2009 / Reply

    My son didn’t suck his thumb but his bottom lip was forever in his mouth. I thought it would be okay… Not!!! He had to have braces at eight years old because having his bottom lip tucked in all the time flattened his hard palate. Go figure. Though all of that he now has the most gorgeous smile.

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