Christmas Tree shopping 2014
December 15, 2014
Natalie found her first caterpillar of the season the other day. Perhaps because her father is part Native American, she named her caterpillar ‘Little One’. When bath time came, we allowed her to take her bug catcher up to the bathroom with her.
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Comments (7)
Smart girl, so cute! Both of them.
Ooooo I’m not looking forward to them! I did, however, get quite a bit of enjoyment last year seeing Reese (my husband) do a dance when one crawled up his leg while we were eating outside at the picnic table. LOL
Oh how cute!! She caught on quickly!
So cute!
Hey Rapunzel, you should videotape your husband next time a caterpillar gets frisky. That could win you some money. LOL!
Yep…Smart One, for sure! (That fudgesicle sure looks good, too!)
very cute!
Laughing so hard I can’t breath! Too cute!