Exercise Schmexercise

May 13, 2009/Health

I love, love, love playing sports.  I played with the boys at recess from the time I can remember and didn’t stop until I had kids. I love football – playing just as much as watching. We played as a family every Thanksgiving and since the first six kids in my family are girls, we girls had to play for there to be enough players. I love soccer, volleyball, and basketball too. And, as you know, my most recent endeavor is being part of Triple Threat(3-1). Can’t get enough of it. 

So I was very excited when Henry invited me to join him for P90x. It is the newest rage. The best selling infomercial on the market. Yes, it’s an infomercial product. Yes, we bought it. Yes, we’re interested in a bridge you’re selling in Arizona. Thanks for thinking of us.
As stated in the title of the product, there are 90 days in the workout. We completed day two this morning. Yesterday was core training and today was cardio. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s target area is… is there a video for baby belly? Just wondering because mine is still hanging out (literally) from three months ago.   
Tony and his gang are sick. They do things that ordinary people can’t do. Bend, stretch, and twist in ways that just aren’t natural. The funny thing is, Henry and I are trying to do it and are excited about it. The first morning we jumped out of bed…..okay, sorry for the tangent, but I need to give you a little background here. 
My husband is not a morning person. And when I say that I mean, he’s not a person in the morning. He’s a zombie. We tried working out together pre-kids early in our marriage when we actually had a joint gym membership and had absolutely no excuse not to go. We went in the mornings because that was the only time we had to go together (I worked days and went to school at night…he was working for an internet start-up…enough said). 
We would roll out of bed at 6 a.m. and while driving to the gym and eating a banana at the same time, I would be chattering about the birds, the sunrise…. really anything that popped into my head. My husband would be sitting in the passenger seat with a hoodie on probably with his eyes closed. I’m not sure about that last part because I was busy driving, eating a banana and looking at the birds and the sunrise, but I digress. 
We would arrive at the gym and warm up with a little cardio. I would continue talking – mostly about the news show playing on the TV hanging from the ceiling in front of us. About 10 minutes into my, I mean our, conversation, Henry’s hood would come off and the sweatshirt would be discarded. “Morning.” he might mumble. He was finally awake!
Blake, remember the time we saw you there and you and I had an entire conversation and Henry didn’t notice you until the end?  Zombie, right?
Ok, now that you have the background, back to my original thought….  the first morning we jumped out of bed, ran to our basement and put on Tony’s first video. It consisted of a lot of push ups and a lot of pilates-type moves. After about the 5 push ups, I went to my knees. Yes, I did girlie push ups. A lot of them…for the next 40 minutes.
This morning was cardio with yoga moves thrown in. Included in the yoga moves – push ups. I went to do the first one and fell directly on my face. My triceps and abs refused to hold their positions. I decided to skip them for today and just stay engaged. 
That’s our motto. Even if we can’t do the entire routine right off the bat, stay engaged. Oh, and laugh, at ourselves and at each other. And honestly, I’m laughing my butt off which is good because that means I’ll be able to squeeze it back into my pre-pregnancy jeans in no time. 
What’s your latest obsession?

Comments (6)

  • Suny / May 13, 2009 / Reply

    There is a couple in our Small Group that is close to their end of 90 days!!

    You’re going to love the workouts, but they’re crazy intense!

    Way to go for taking the time to get healthy!

  • Courtney / May 13, 2009 / Reply

    wow! i’m impressed! let me know if it works…maybe i’ll try it! i LOVE exercise!!!

  • Chad / May 13, 2009 / Reply

    Good for you adn Henry. We chose the Wii Fit instead 🙂

  • Michelle / May 14, 2009 / Reply

    OK when you first told me about this today I thought “WOW..how cool is that.” Now I just think your crazy, admirable but crazy. Stick to it girl. You look great either way.

  • Dot / May 17, 2009 / Reply

    haha my guy friends did this at college (P90x) except their guy was named Bobby– Bobby loved himself a lot and would always talk in the 3rd person about himself. Anyways they were always sore but it sounded like a lot of “fun” haha

  • Anonymous / May 27, 2009 / Reply

    I am on week 2 of the P90X and I love it. I was worried about all the push ups in the core workout and also fell on my face the next day trying to do a push up. I also did girlie push ups for the first time in my life…Good Luck


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