Make way for ducklings…

July 5, 2010/The Girls

The past few days we have been living at Sam’s house. Sam is in Natalie’s class at school. They are very serious about one another. She has another friend, Kaden, whom she is very serious about as well. Whenever she talks of either one, she says she is going to marry them. I haven’t yet clued her in that we are not part of the religion that favors polygomy and that usually it’s a the other way around. And really it probably wouldn’t matter to her. She’s a goal maker and to be honest, it will probably take two men to keep up with her!

Here she is with Sam and Ainsley the day his family left on vacation and turned the house over to us.

When they left us in charge of the house…. they also left us in charge of five ducklings. The first grade at Natalie and Sam’s school gets either chicken or duck eggs in the spring and watches them hatch. Sam’s parents adopted the ducklings and will hand them off to a farmer or zoo when they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Natalie has been over several times to visit the ducks and knows the ropes better than I do. Before I had a chance to get from the car to the house she was busy taking them from their indoor cage to their yard cage to get some fresh air and rinsing and refilling their water bowl.

I left the girls in the yard to take care of the ducks. When I came out to check on them (the girls, not the ducks), the ducklings were wet. Natalie explained she had put them in the pool. I vaguely remembered Sam’s mom telling me she was having them practice swimming in a rubbermaid.

The girls loved taking care of the ducklings. Well, Natalie loved taking care of them and Ainsley loved watching her do it!

Sadly, they left to live with their co-owners on Saturday night. Quack!

Comments (5)

  • anazelia / July 5, 2010 / Reply

    Very cute.

  • Michelle: / July 5, 2010 / Reply

    that is so cute! loved all the pictures! i love little baby ducks! :o)

  • leemeandthegirls / July 6, 2010 / Reply

    Your little girl and my little girl sound like they are soul sisters. 🙂

  • Lisa / July 6, 2010 / Reply

    Sounds like everything is just ducky! LOL…Very sweet.

  • MotherGoose518 / July 6, 2010 / Reply

    Ohmygoodness! They are so cute! How fun!!!

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss