Ryan was extubated late yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon to see if he can breathe on his own after last week’s heart catheterization. As of 8:45 this morning, he is still ET tube free and his gases are holding steady. He remains on high flow oxygen (at a setting of 15 liters per hour, down from the 20 liters per hour they started him on). For those unfamiliar with supplemental oxygen, 20 and 15 liters are high settings. For a comparison, when Ryan came home for two weeks in July he was on 1.5 liters of oxygen per hour. The team will continue to assess his numbers and try to wean his oxygen s l o w l y to give him the best possible environment to succeed.
If Ryan is unable to tolerate the weaning, we will continue talking about some sort of intervention, i.e. plication of his diaphragm or a tracheostomy.
I will try and update as the day progresses as to how the little guy is doing.
Maddie has a trach and it was pretty daunting at frightening at first. However, I think you will agree, if this is what it takes to get little guy home, it is well worth it. Brent and I would be happy to talk to you about our experience with a trach if you seem to head down that path. Just let me know. All of that being said- I’ll cross my fingers that this extubation is the one that works! Kirsten
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Comments (12)
Praying that all goes well…
Keeping you in my thoughts that he will do well! What a fighter!!
Praying for Ryan today…Go Ryan!!
praying for him and you and the family right now!
In my prayers too!
Maddie has a trach and it was pretty daunting at frightening at first. However, I think you will agree, if this is what it takes to get little guy home, it is well worth it.
Brent and I would be happy to talk to you about our experience with a trach if you seem to head down that path. Just let me know. All of that being said- I’ll cross my fingers that this extubation is the one that works!
GO RYAN!! We continue to pray!
Oh, I hope it works! We’ll be praying…
Praying for your precious, strong, little boy! 🙂
Oh I am so hopeful that all will go well!
Praying for him!
We are praying always.