Piper – 5 months

May 5, 2014/Piper

I can’t believe Piper is 5 months old. I think I say that every month and every month it’s true. She doesn’t have any updated stats this month as we aren’t due to the pediatrician until next month, but I am noticing little changes here and there…

She had just started moving her hands in concerted effort at the end of last month and this past month she’s been using them all the time to grab things…. mostly to bring something to her mouth or grab a toy.  What’s really fun is when she grabs her one hand with the other and plays with her own hands. I love watching babies learn!


She seems to have an oral fixation. When she doesn’t have her fingers in her mouth she’s typically grabbing something nearby and sticking it in her mouth. We’re going to have to watch out for this one… she also may be gearing up to teethe, but nothing yet except slobber and wet, slimy fingers and blankets.

She was doing really well only waking once in the night to eat. Over the last 2 weeks or so she started waking up every other hour fussing. I was feeding her, but now I just flip her to her stomach and pat her back if it hasn’t been at least three hours. Most the time she falls back to sleep pretty quickly, but I sure am tired in the morning. It may be time to start rice cereal even though I waited until 6 months with her sisters.


She’s getting very social. She really locks on to the people around her, especially if they’re talking. She responds to her name now, even if it’s just in conversation. She immediately looks at the person who says it no matter the context. Super fun and super cute.

As for rolling over, I have a feeling she could if she wanted to. She gets practically all the way over then flips back to her back. She does this multiple times a day. I really thought she was going to flip all the way over last night while I was playing with her, but she just wouldn’t do it!  There were three separate occasions this month where she ended up flipping but 2 of them I wasn’t sure if I gave her an advantage when I laid her down; and the third time as in the night. I put her on her stomach and when I went to get her for her next feeding she was on her back. Since we didn’t see it we haven’t counted it yet. I think we’re the meanest parents ever. We obviously have pretty high expectations!


She plays with her feet… as in brings them up to her hands and actually plays with them. The pediatrician says this is early (she was doing it at her four month appointment which happened a few days after she actually turned four months). Apparently she likes her feet more than flipping over.

I only have 3 pictures of her this month, so obviously, I better pick up the pace before I become the slacker mom of many with no pictures of the baby. The good news is I think I can start on her baby book this month. Whoot! Whoot!

The kids are still loving her. The girls and Ryan enjoy holding her… especially when she’s contentedly playing in her swing or on the floor. They hold her for about 30 seconds before laying her back down. At which point she cries because now she wants someone to play with. Ugh!  We’re working on it. However it’s fun to watch Ryan talk to her in a baby voice and gently tickle her.

Happy 5 months, Sweet P!


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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss