A mother’s work is never done

March 18, 2014/Uncategorized

Monday morning:


I sat down last night and wrote a list of five things to do this morning while Ryan was at preschool. I managed to send out the email regarding freezer meals. Of course it goes without saying I also fed the baby twice, woke up 2 girls for school (Ryan woke up by himself), made their lunches, threw bowls of cereal at them and told them I loved them on their way to the bus stop.

I also ate a piece of (GF) biscotti while drinking a cup of hot tea and responding to emails.

I would’ve gotten more done, except I took the time to take a shower and do my makeup. These things do not go without saying. Getting this done isn’t always a priority. However, I have a moms’ prayer group on Mondays and a Girl Scout meeting later this afternoon and thought I should be kind others. ย Now that I think about it though I think I forgot to put deodorant on so I’m not sure why I tried.

I also folded a load of laundry from the dryer, put in another, and changed it out for another at the end of the cycle. Laundry in our house is constant.

Henry asked me recently what I do during the day when I vented about being overwhelmed with the demands place upon me. This, this is what I do. I send out emails about freezer meal meals.ย  Because if I don’t have meals in the freezer clearly my family is not eating tonight.

And thanks to Siri I just dictated a blog post while sitting in line waiting to pick Ryan up from preschool. Love her. One more thing off the list.

And now to feed the boy some lunch and nurse the baby AGAIN!

Comments (6)

  • Wendy / March 18, 2014 / Reply

    I don’t know about you but when my husband asks me that question, I find it highly irritating. I know he means well and is just curious but I often want to say, look around, see clean house, all laundry washed, dried, folded and put away, bills paid, kids all neatly dressed and well fed for school, homework all done, dry cleaning picked up, lunches made, healthy dinners every night, and I could go on and on. I think maybe they are clueless to how much time it takes to get basic tasks done, especially when interrupted every few minutes by kids.

  • Dottie / March 18, 2014 / Reply

    1. You and Ryan are cute
    2. I forget deodorant all the time. It’s stupid how many times I forget to put it on and boy do I need it!
    3. love you!

  • Janna / March 18, 2014 / Reply

    Yep so get this. With our 4 kids…the washer and dryer never quits at our house either. I came in to work at noon. Before, I got up and showered and make up on, got the 3 yo dressed, woke the 17 month old and changed her, talked with my 11 yo as she got ready for school, made microwave pancakes for the babies to eat in the van on the way to the ortho for our oldest in a town 45 min away, ran to the bank, back home, cleaned the bathroom while the above mentioned 17 month old opened tampons from the box and the 3 yo helped me windex, fixed lunch, laid the baby down and out the door to work.
    Tonight is haircut appt for the oldest, I have a meeting, and my husband will taking our 11yo to softball practice!!
    Shew…a day in the life of me. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s hard and overwhelming most days but I know I will miss it all one day!!

    Thanks for sharing your day…always helps to know I’m not alone!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Becky / March 18, 2014 / Reply

    I was thinking that Henry needs to be “stay at home” dad for about one day and then he will not be asking that question. I was able to stay at home for 2 years and only had a 6 week old (I babysat) and a 8 week old (mine) at home all day and a 8 year old(mine) in school and my days were full and you have 4 when they are all out of school. I love the pix of you and Ryan in all your Green. Have a super day

    • (Author) Leighann / March 18, 2014 / Reply

      I hear what you’re sayingโ€ฆ Henry really just asked the question sincerely and not in a “what in the heck do you do all day?” kind of way. He was trying to help me sort through the stress. ๐Ÿ™‚ My response is that it’s hard to describe my days because they’re never the same AND so much of what I do is the sort of thing that if you do it, it goes unnoticed, but if you don’t do it, everyone notices. Many people (even women) who’ve never stayed at home have a hard time understanding. It’s a matter of not having visibility. I didn’t take offense. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Linda / March 19, 2014 / Reply

    I am proud of you Leighann. You accomplish a lot and are a very good wife and mother! I have followed your blog for a long time now…and you always impress me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I loved reading your book…and passed it on to my daughter Lynnette. You are quite a gal…and Henry is a great dad. Keep on keepin on kiddo. ๐Ÿ™‚

    (When are you going to change your blog title to 4 Hobbits and a Giant? tee hee!!!) Little Piper is such a cute little addition to the family!

    Love, Momma Linda

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