Some mornings I wonder how in the world I get it all done. This morning I managed to get up 30 minutes late, shower and put on makeup, make lunches, throw dinner in the crockpot, take Natalie to school, scrape ice from my windows to get her there, throw in a load of laundry, start the dishwasher I forgot to start last night, remember to not only find the checks Henry wanted me to deposit, but put them in my bag, remember the frozen breast milk for to replenish Ryan’s stockpile at the hospital, get the box of donated hats to drop off to the cancer patients at the hospital, grab my pump and its accessories (yes, i’ve gotten somewhere and realized i forgot the cups, bottles or bottle lids – stinks when that happens), and take a lunch for me. Closing the door behind Ainsley and me on the way out to drop her off I thought a thought I have on many, many mornings, “What am I forgetting?”

Caught a glimpse of myself in the car window while strapping Ainsley into her car seat….. my hair! That’s what I forgot. I managed to do Ainsley’s hair while forgetting to do my own. So typical….. oh well, at least dinner is done. 

Comments (4)

  • Judy / December 14, 2009 / Reply

    You go girl!!! You’re amazing and there is nothing more beautiful than a mother who loves her son so much she drags a breast pump & it’s accessories around with her 🙂 And a mother who actually plans out dinner (it’s 5:43 and I have no idea what we’re having tonight)!

  • babyyahyah / December 14, 2009 / Reply

    at least you are not like me and forget things on the roof of the car. I always put stuff on the roof while I buckle in kids and then forget and say what am i forgetting? hmmmm and watch stuff fly off in the rear view mirror.

  • Andrea / December 15, 2009 / Reply

    That’s what ponytails are for, right? And, you did your makeup, so maybe everyone focused on your face today. I hope the rest of the week progresses more smoothly.

  • Megan / December 28, 2009 / Reply

    You have beautiful hair, Leighann. I have no idea how you wake up a half hour late and pull off a morning like you described. It is no wonder that one thing was forgotten. Throw a brush and a neutral colored headband in your glove compartment and next time you forget you can do something to it on the drive downtown. 😉

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss