Living the every day.

October 16, 2013/Family

I have a love/hate relationship with the Girl Scout fundraisers – Magazines and nuts/candy in the fall and cookies in January. My girls aren’t old enough to go through the neighborhood alone (or maybe they are and I’m too overprotective) so this means me driving down the street watching them go house-to-house. If it’s a Saturday we might all walk, but we’ve mostly done our selling in the dark on cold or rainy nights.

The only thing I really don’t like about it is the sorting and money collecting afterward – – this always falls to me!  I’m looking forward to when they’re old enough to do this part themselves.

Otherwise, I love seeing their excitement and confidence as they quite literally run from house to house.




And it means I get to spend a few nights in a row in the car with this guy listening to the radio.



Who could ask for more?

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss