Cute Antics from Today

January 29, 2009/Ainsley

Ainsley walks around singing a praise song from church that goes “We cry holy, holy, holy; we cry holy, holy, holy; we cry holy, holy, holy is the lamb.”  Except when she sings it, it sounds like, “he high ho-we, ho-we, ho-we; he high ho-we, ho-we, ho-we, he high ho-we, ho-we, ho-we is da name.”  

Natalie came to me in the night last night and said she was having bad dreams. I told her that when I have bad dreams, I pray that Jesus would stop the bad dreams and let me sleep peacefully. She asked me if I would do that for her so I said a quick prayer out loud.  This morning I asked her if her bad dreams went away and she said, “No, you must’ve prayed wrong.”  Then she said, “Oh no, that’s right. They did go away. I had a dream, but it was good. It was raining in our house, for pretend. And not this house, but our house in the dream. And we were running around in the rain getting wet and then I got eaten by crocodiles. It was good!”   I’d hate to hear about her bad dreams!

Comments (4)

  • johanna / January 30, 2009 / Reply

    Wow! I never realized Ainsley was one of the 7 dwarfs singing High ho, high ho. how cute.
    When I get eaten by crocodiles, I usually try to wake up real fast and change my dream. To each his own i guess.
    Thank you for sharing your funny stories with us. It is funny antics like that that will help to carry you thru baby boy’s ups and downs.
    a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

  • Courtney / January 30, 2009 / Reply

    love the funnies!!!

  • Suny / January 30, 2009 / Reply

    Haha how adorable!!!! Have a great day!

  • DJ / January 31, 2009 / Reply

    kids are funny…I speak like I have experience in that realm ha.

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