My sister and her kids came to see us on Tuesday. We’ve been meaning to get together for sometime and we finally managed it. Well…. I didn’t have to do much except open the front door and then sit and chat with her all afternoon. It was hard work, but I’m a giver like that. Here are the kids in a freak moment of sitting still:

Someone got ahold of my camera.

Comments (6)

  • Richelle / June 2, 2010 / Reply

    I wonder if they can possibly have as much fun as we used to have?? Miss u bunches!

  • johanna / June 2, 2010 / Reply

    Had a great time! Looking forward to a summer of get togethers. Love ya.

  • Michelle: / June 2, 2010 / Reply

    haha all those pictures are adorable! Loved the first one with all the cousins and lil Ryan in the middle! 🙂

  • Lisa / June 2, 2010 / Reply

    Totally dig Mister Ryan chewing on his blanket LOL.

  • Autumn / June 2, 2010 / Reply

    Haha cute! Maybe she’ll be a photographer when she grows up. 🙂


  • Anonymous / June 3, 2010 / Reply

    The top pic with Ryan CRACKS me up! He has his hand on his leg like he’s posing and then the blanket in his mouth. Silly Boy!

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss