I’m still catching up on all our activities from last weekend. We went to a Girl Scout event called Camp Creepy. It’s basically a fun, Halloween-themed night at a one of the camps about an hour from here.

The kids learned how to play ga-ga ball, a game where big balls are tossed into a pit. It’s kindof like dodge ball, but you can bat the ball away with your hand. Ryan wanted to play too and it was cute how the girls naturally shielded him. He had a ton of fun as did Ainsley and Natalie.


Natalie and Ryan running a relay race together.


Ainsley and daddy


Ryan wanted his picture taken by this pumpkin on the “haunted” walk.


There was a mad scientist on hand. The girls were enthralled with his presentation.


A hayride and more ga-ga ball to end the evening. (sorry for the bad pics. It was hard with the limited lighting!)

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss