Bewitching the Witching hour

September 3, 2013/kids

The girls headed off to school this morning after a long holiday weekend. We’re into our second week of school and while the girls are saying they LOVE school, they aren’t waking up with the same gusto and energy as the first few days last week.

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Ryan wanted his picture taken too!



I’m getting used to the girls being gone all day although I do miss their activity and energy. I don’t miss the eating all day long and mess I couldn’t keep up with! Natalie is eating gluten-free by her choice and her tummy is feeling much better this year. I was curious to see how’d she do without a sandwich in her lunch but she’s done fine. We’re doing chicken salad,  apple or banana with peanut butter, or a few pieces of nitrate-free deli turkey rolled up with cheese. It’s working out great. Ainsley’s doing the same thing just because it looks so appealing to her. She only took one sandwich last week.

I’m using the same trick after school as I did last year using a white board for the girls’ after school responsibilities. It’s really cut down on the complaining. Ainsley informed me after the first day she didn’t want to practice piano this year (something I was so lax on last spring), so I told her that was fine she could also give up playing with the neighbors outside. That changed her mind pretty quickly. I’m hoping to stay a little more on top of her progress this year and get her playing with ease.

Natalie’s violin lessons haven’t started up at school yet, but she’s also working on some of her songs from last year and her basic technique. Afternoons around here are starting to sound like an orchestra!

Ryan’s excited to start preschool tomorrow! He asked this morning if he could go with the girls and I had to tell him “no” again. So tomorrow it is! Expect some pictures.

Have a great week!  I keep forgetting today is Tuesday.

Comments (3)

  • Becky / September 3, 2013 / Reply

    you must have different rules about nuts in your school. Our kids are not allowed to bring anything including home packed lunches that have peanut butter or nuts of any kind due to nut allergies. I bet Ryan is up and dressed and ready to go to school tomorrow. Have a great day. Becky

  • (Author) Leighann / September 3, 2013 / Reply

    Our school is not nut free….. only the actual class that has the peanut allergy in it. The kids are segregated by class in the cafeteria and the tables are wiped down after each lunch period. It’s a blessing for families that are gluten-free and rely on nuts for nutrition.

  • Beth / September 6, 2013 / Reply

    If Natalie does get to the point where she is missing sandwiches, or if you want some great tasting Gluten-free food, we have had a *ton* of success with Bronski’s Artisanal gluten-free cookbook and flour blend. They have young kids and focus on packing in the nutrition in their blend. We actually enjoy their pancakes more than the gluten kind!

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss