Loving the calmness of home

December 17, 2013/Family

We’ve been busy the last few days… baking and playing and spending time as a family.

The kids helped me make shortbread last week. I signed up to donate 2 dozen cookies to the school for a fundraiser on Friday. It was fun to get out the mixer and do something festive.


Ryan and I also made some reindeer out of nutter butters.


Ryan was more interested in eating the nutter butters and m&ms though.


The other day the girls came home from school and started playing so nicely with each other. From what I could gather, Natalie was the teacher and everyone else the students…. she helped Ainsley with her homework, then Ainsley gave Natalie her spelling pre-test. I wish I could say they play this nicely all the time.



And of course there’s been plenty of playing with baby Piper. Ryan told me last night “I like having a soft baby!”  He was talking about her hair which is silky smooth. He hasn’t shown any jealousy as of yet….something I’ve been surprised by since he’d hardly let the girls sit on my lap before Piper came along. I haven’t been able to hold him because of my incision but he hasn’t once complained that I’m often holding Piper. He’s such a proud big brother and happily grabs me diapers when I need them.




Piper is… a newborn. Contrary to the picture above, she’s still trying to work out the whole sleeping at night thing. She roots all the time which causes a problem when she’s trying to settle, even with a nuk. I’m not a mom who’s comfortable sleeping with my babies and cannot physically nurse them all night… so we are working on learning to fall asleep without something to suck on. It’s a process, I know, but makes for a very sleepy mommy these days. I’m hoping it will only take a few weeks for her to get it straight.

I’m getting around better after the surgery. I’m working hard to listen to my doctor and not lift anything over 20 pounds for the first three weeks. And I haven’t driven yet and hope not to for a few more days. I’m definitely getting around the house better but am far from 100%. I’m looking forward to a quiet Christmas break from school… the kids will have 2 whole weeks off! Yay! I hope to do a lot of fun things at home so I can fully recover before the flurry of activity starts back up in January.

Anyone else ready for Christmas? I need to wrap gifts, but I’m happy to say I’m basically done shopping. I did it all last week sitting at my computer. I’m officially hooked on online shopping. Seriously. I didn’t have to drag any kids with me to the store, I didn’t have to fight crowds or parking or weather. I got great prices, free shipping, and it’s coming straight to my door. Whut? Love, love, love it. Is anyone else doing online shopping this year?

Comments (3)

  • Debbie Burton / December 17, 2013 / Reply

    I love your posts. And yes, online shopping is a lifesaver! We became hooked on it when our baby (with a heart defect) was only a few months old….13 years ago! Anyway, given the need to keep him away from public places or GERMS, and the fact that he did not sleep well (so we were EXHAUSTED), skipping the malls and stores was great. Now online shopping is a way of life for us. 🙂 And our baby is now a teenager and doing very well. God is just so amazing, isn’t He?!?

    Many blessings to you and your family this Christmas.

  • Emily / December 17, 2013 / Reply

    We did all our shopping online as well so as not to have to drag two kids out in the frigid MN weather. I love that it all showed up to my door! Also, not a present is wrapped yet either. Sounds like we are on the same page. Glad to hear you are getting around better. Recovering from a C-Section takes a while, but it’s great to HAVE to sit around and be less busy. Merry Christmas!

  • Melinda / December 18, 2013 / Reply

    With a two month old, and 6 and 8 year olds, I can relate! We did lots of online shopping!! Three kids being dragged thru the mall was too much. Not to mention a baby that wants to eat all the time. With this baby I had to release some control. I’ve been pumping so my husband can offer a bottle and it’s made a world of difference in my ability to rest and function with my other kiddos. Makes me wonder why I didn’t offer bottles to my oldest two! Hope you are feeling great soon!

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