Piper is Two Weeks

December 18, 2013/Family

Piper is two weeks old today and still not sleeping at night. I think that’s normal, right?  This means I’m operating on much less sleep than I’m used to and living with an almost constant headache. I can hear myself being cranky and me no likey myself when I’m like that. Around 4 each day I hit a wall and sleep for an hour before making dinner. My poor children!

My pain level is much better than it was a week ago. I haven’t driven yet, but will tonight when I have to pick Natalie up from Girl Scouts. My incision is still sore and my stomach (uterus?) right around the incision is very tender to the touch. I just hate surgeries. In fact, when they told me I’d have to have one I cried on my way home. Like a little baby. And then I cried again on the operating table as they did their thang because I didn’t want to recuperate.

I can’t wait until I can move any way I want without wincing and my back doesn’t hurt by mid-day from overcompensating for my tired tummy. Hopefully that will be in just a week or two. Unfortunately I think the sleeping thing will take longer. The sad thing is, she only wakes up for one feeding anytime between 2:30 and 3:30 and doesn’t eat again for another three hours… so technically she’s only eating once in the real nighttime – awesome for a newborn. It’s the not falling asleep after her feeding that is the problem.

Last night she tricked me by being nice and quiet for 30 minutes after her feeding before getting fussy, which was good because I got a little catnap in before working with her for the next 2 hours to settle into a deep sleep. What I can’t figure out is that many times during the day she’ll be lying quietly looking around and then drift into a deep sleep without fussing or help from me. Then at night she cries and cries until I rock her or hold her pacifier in her mouth. Ugh!

Like I said before, she’s lucky she’s cute. And that we all voted to keep her. (I told you that story, right?) I know she’ll get the hang of things in the coming weeks (months?). She’s simply too new. And if I wasn’t so tired I’d enjoy all the snuggle time…. I just wish it wasn’t in the middle of the night.


Comments (3)

  • Janna / December 18, 2013 / Reply

    Did you check out the Rock N Play sleeper by Fisher Price? I’m telling you…the thing is AWESOME! Read the reviews…seriously. 🙂

  • Beth / December 18, 2013 / Reply

    For keeping the binky in by itself (as opposed to having to hold it there) – check out Wubbanubs. They are binkys with animals attached that are heavy enough to set on the LO’s chest and they actually stay put. Once she starts getting a little more arm control, then it is also easier to get them in (as well as locating them in that rear-facing car seat while driving). It was our life saver. They are a bit more expensive, but we have made it 2 years without losing a single one (as opposed to our other binks which disappear regularly). Our little one had her nights and days backwards as well (another December baby). The key for us was leaving her lights on in her room at night. For whatever reason she did better with that. Our other piece was just doing the Happiest Baby on the Block stuff – over and over – a white noise machine or app for your phone can be a life saver. Good luck! Hope she settles soon.

  • Dottie Ward / December 19, 2013 / Reply

    She is way cute! Sorry she is not sleeping well and that your incision hurts ;( I wish I lived closer!

    I didn’t hear the story about the vote. Did I miss something?

    I’m surprised that Ryan isn’t jealous. Great for you.

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