3 Quick Ways to Refocus {for the frazzled mama}

February 6, 2015/Uncategorized

3 Quick ways to refocus: for the frazzled mama

It’s been a little crazy up in these parts lately…. releasing a new book AND trying to get the lent devotional online AND planning a 6th birthday party for Ryan…. it all starts to add up. This is the second February I’ve bitten off a more than I can chew leaving me feeling frazzled and buzzy in my head (is buzzy a word?). When I feel out of balance I employ several tactics to help me refocus.

1. Meditate/Pray:
When I’m feeling overwhelmed it typically means I haven’t taken enough time to sit and be quiet. One of the best remedies for this is making myself take a few minutes to rest the project-oriented side of my brain. For me, pulling out my Bible, taking a deep breath and reading a few verses helps me slow down. Further, I talk to God about what I just read and try to take my mind off my to-do list.

2. Deep breathing:
When I really only have a few minutes, maybe even less, I close my eyes and take 4 or 5 deep breaths trying to think about absolutely nothing more than filling my chest with air and letting it out slowly. It may sound wacky, but overriding my nervous system with thought-out, intentional breathing reboots my body and enables me to feel more focused and peaceful.

3. Map it out:
Some days I’m so busy I don’t have time to write down the things I need to get done, but I end up being even more behind the 8 ball feeling like I might be forgetting something. Pausing to spend the five minutes it takes to map out a plan lets my mind rest from having to remember it all and focus on simply getting the next thing done.

Some days I do all three! What do you do to help create calm in your chaos?

Comments (4)

  • Debbie / February 6, 2015 / Reply

    Definitely make a list! I know you are a list-maker. I also leave brightly-colored post-it notes on the kitchen cabinets for really urgent things…but I limit those to 2-3 notes – priorities. Good luck! You are amazing.

  • Linda / February 6, 2015 / Reply

    I do much the same as you Leighann! When doing the breathing…I go limp as a rag doll when slowly breathing out, and it really relaxes me! And yes, the Bible reading and prayer help me so much! If I don’t do that, I really feel frazzled! God is my strength! 🙂

  • Becky / February 6, 2015 / Reply

    I’m trying – key word there to do all the things you have above. Your way is much better than me letting my blood pressure zoom up as I deal with the
    way too much to do day! You amaze me with all the things you do and yet your hubby and kids still remain your 1st priority. Have a great day. I would guess Girl Scout cookies are also on your “to do” list! becky

    • (Author) Leighann / February 6, 2015 / Reply

      haha! Yes, Becky. Girl Scout cookies are on the list. Thankfully, there’s a little reprieve here as we wait for the orders to be delivered and cookie booths to start. In about 2 weeks here, I’ll be neck deep in boxes of cookies to sort and deliver. I’ll most likely be doing a lot of deep breathing then!

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss