Is it really Friday already? Here are my Seven Quick Takes. To join the carnival, click here.

I have very little energy this week. My friend thinks it is because I stopped baking two weeks ago. Could this be the cause? I did have sugar over the weekend – – a piece of pie and two brownies; of course, that is probably about the amount of sugar I was averaging after each meal. Hmmm….
TMI alert: Move along to number three if you are not a parent and don’t understand why we talk about potty issues.
Ryan is no longer eating breastmilk. It’s been several weeks. I noticed his stool is getting more compact and harder for him to pass. And well….. stinky. Yesterday he was sitting on my lap and I thought I smelled something iffy. I said what all us mothers say when we smell something foul. “Did you poopy in your pants?” I used my sing-songy baby voice as if that makes that phrase any less creepy.
He had several layers on but there was an unmistakable aroma so I moved him to the floor. I took off his pants and wow! Someone turn on a fan! NOW! Then I undid his onesie. Gag! This stuff reaks. I opened his diaper… seriously? I don’t know what they put in formula but it is just plain nasty on the other end (who am I kidding, it stinks raw too). I couldn’t help but notice that my living room suddenly smelled like the elephant house at the zoo. PeeeYew!
I love my crockpot! I used it again Thursday knowing I had a commitment that jutted up against dinner. That and my rice cooker with vegetable steamer on top. Dinner couldn’t have been easier. I made a modified version of the Coconut Curry Chicken that I never got around to making last week. Someone asked in the comments if I liked it…. I was waiting to try it before answering and now don’t know where that comment email is. So yes, I liked it. It didn’t have a terribly strong taste, but it was still good. I did leave out the jalepeno, shredded coconut, spring onion and cilantro though. The girls ate it dipped in ketchup. But the recipe shouldn’t take that personally because they dip everything in ketchup.
I love the weather! Spring has sprung. The girls played outside nonstop on Thursday. It rocked. My friend had this quote on her blog the other day and I loved, loved, loved it. So I’m stealing it.

“It was one of those March days
when the sun shines hot and the
wind blows cold: when it is summer
in the light, and winter in the shade.”
Charles Dickens

I’m also stealing this quote that is at the bottom of a dear reader’s email signature. Couldn’t help myself:
“There’s safety in complacency, but God is calling us out of our
comfort zone into a life of complete surrender to the cross. To live
dangerously is not to live recklessly but righteously. And it is
because of God’s radical grace for us that we can risk living a life of
radical obedience for Him.” ~ Steve Camp
I wish I had more pictures for you guys. I need to confess that my life is crazy right now and I am not taking pictures every day like I was when Ryan was in the hospital. I truly thought my life was busy then, but now that he is home, it is super crazy busy. But here are two from his Modified Barium Swallow the other day. We waited so long to be called back that by the time we strapped him in the chair he was over the whole thing.

And one of him sleeping.

I need to get some of the girls…

This is the part where I ask you a question…. you know, to engage you as readers and continue our weekly conversation. I actually really enjoy this part. It’s one of my favorites. However, I can’t think of a good question this week. I’ve already used ‘what are you doing this weekend’ several times and don’t want to use it again. So maybe this week you could come up with a question for me. Is there anything I haven’t covered in the last 18 months that you want to know?

Comments (7)

  • Sarah / March 12, 2010 / Reply

    I have a question for you…how often do you find time fir yourself? Like, just to take care of trimming your nails or plucking your eyebrows 🙂 Do you ever get a chance to just sit and relax in a nice, hot bubble bath? Or if you dint do those things…when you do get a minute to do something just for you, what do you choose to do?

    You’re an incredibly strong woman, wife and mother. I’ve never met you but I look up to you so much. I admire your strength and respect you beyond words. I watched your livingroom testimony yesterday and just couldn’t help but be inspired by you! Thank you for taking the time from your obviously crazy busy life to share with us!!

  • Wendy / March 12, 2010 / Reply

    Maybe you talked about this earlier in your blog and I just missed it….Did you have a job outside the home before kids?

    Also, are you staying within your grocery budget and still shopping at the different grocery stores? What did you end up naming Ryan’s star?

  • kim / March 12, 2010 / Reply

    the poopy part is too yeah all of us moms have
    singsong-y asked if there is poop in diapers.

    nice quote too

  • Sarah Joy / March 12, 2010 / Reply

    Great laugh from the TMI section today— you make me laugh, well all the time!
    Question: Do you blog while sittign down and concentraiting on it or while multi-tasking…. I think I know this answer but am curious….
    And here is another one just for FUN— we all have to dream so let’s dream out loud… if this weekend was going to have in store for all of us the perfect Spring day all day on Saturday what would you do with it? I am so ready for warm Spring days!!!

  • Beckysblog / March 13, 2010 / Reply

    How did you and Henry meet?

  • MotherGoose518 / March 16, 2010 / Reply

    LOL! Does R have his hand in his pocket in that last picture? And I love his one socked-ness!

  • Anonymous / March 17, 2010 / Reply
    Thought you’d enjoy (and relate to) this video put together by/for NICU nurses.

    Beverly (Ohio)

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss