Piper – First Foods

May 16, 2014/Piper

Piper had her first food on Wednesday. She went from waking up once a night to three times a night and mommy can’t handle that. I’m sorry, I just can’t. I’m like a walking zombie the next day and after 3 nights, forget it. I’m miss crankypants. Obviously, this food thing is all about me. Sorry, Pipes.

I say sorry because I don’t know one child when present with rice cereal has slurped it up and acted like they wanted more. Case in point – –


Since she can’t talk I will translate for you. She’s saying, “What the heck are you doing shoving that thing in my mouth? And what is on it? Certainly not something you expect me to eat again.” (She’s very advance in her sentence structure… the baby of large families always are.)

She was very confused over the rice cereal, but apparently loves eating her bib… or maybe she was helping me clean it by licking the rice cereal off of it.


After a few bites of plain cereal, I added some butternut squash. YUMMY!



What? You don’t think she likes it?

Ryan was confused as to why she kept spitting it out over and over again. I tried to explain that eating food is different than drinking milk from mommy and that Piper has to learn how to move her tongue so she doesn’t push the food out. He didn’t buy it. Instead he said, “Do what Mrs. Incredible does…”  In an act of solidarity, I did. I moved my mouth all around and tried to get Piper to mimic me. No such luck. I still had to shove one bite into her mouth 49 times for her to finally swallow it. So 10 bites times 49 is 490 spoonfuls of food. Not sure this is the most efficient use of my time, but I’d rather spend my nights sleeping so food it is.

Comments (4)

  • Lisa / May 16, 2014 / Reply

    I loved feeding each of my little’s new foods, the face’s they made are funny memories in my heart. I was that mama who put rice cereal in their before bed bottle.

  • Kristen / May 18, 2014 / Reply

    If food works I am jealous. Mine always started sleeping less when we started solids. And they weren’t good sleepers in the first place!! Here’s hoping #3 is better!!

  • Marmi Marquiss / May 20, 2014 / Reply

    I always knew you were Mrs. Incredible.

  • Courtney / May 21, 2014 / Reply

    My son was the same way. Didn’t like rice cereal – HATED trying new foods. My daughter?!?! The first time we gave her rice cereal (at 4 months) she was grabbing the spoon and slurping and practically begging for more. Each new food has been met with happiness and glee (with one exception – a beef something that made her shiver). I’m am dumbfounded by her 🙂

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