Natalie’s foot

October 25, 2013/Family

Natalie turned 9 yesterday!! Happy birthday to the one who was the first to show me what it meant to love a child. She is such a joy… such such a joy to have around. We plan to celebrate her tonight since last night was a school night and her regular babysitting night.

But first things first.

I ran over Natalie’s foot with a shopping cart the day before I was set to leave for my speaking engagement/Ryan’s cath. I felt awful. I’ve been hit by a shopping cart and it hurts something awful.

Tuesday morning she begged to used crutches to go to school. She took mine, which are only slightly too big (how scary is that?) and I scrambled that morning to find her a child-sized pair from the limited number of people we know. Thankfully a neighbor up the street had a pair she loaned us starting Tuesday night.

I checked in with her daily to see if her ankle was getting any better. It wasn’t swollen, or black and blue and Henry had checked it for any obvious breaks. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary to us, but she wasn’t able to apply pressure. Yikes!

By Monday I was really feeling bad she had to wait so long to see a doctor and with God’s help was able to get her in to see an orthopedist Monday afternoon. By this time I realized it wasn’t her ankle but the underneath of her foot that was bothering her.

An x-ray showed no clean breaks, but the orthopedist ordered an MRI to rule out any hairline fractures or torn tendons. He said it could take up to 48 hours to get insurance approval and might take some finagling to get her in soon to see an imaging place willing to do an MRI on a child so young.  He also fitted her in a boot so she could get rid of the crutches and become functional again.

Hallelujah! What a difference that made!

Natalie and Ryan played concentration while we waited for the doctor to see us. Ryan LOVES concentration!


She does too, but not as much as I love seeing her smile!


We were at an MRI imaging place by Tuesday afternoon. Whoop! Whoop! and at a follow up at the ortho on Thursday to get the results.

The result is that I drove her to three dr appointments, paid for x-rays and an MRI to find out she has a minor sprain. She’s to stay in the boot for another week and a half and then graduate to a brace for a week before ANOTHER follow up visit!


Comments (1)

  • Lisa / October 27, 2013 / Reply

    Yikes….I have so be in that boat, let me see, one childs ear ruptured, I just thought they were whinning. One had strep throat so bad it was in her mouth, I just wanted to wait till the weekeday as it was the weekend to be fair I didnt know she had it just felt like a really bad mom when the doc looked at me with those crazy I cant belive this eyes…..I have many many many more of these moments cant be too bad the oldest is 21 and the youngest is 4….

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss