An open letter to Jimmy Kimmel and Molly McNearney
May 4, 2017
4:30 am
Hi! I’m Leighann. I help busy women go from frazzled to fabulous. I talk about winning imperfectly at life, finding hope in every season, and learning to manage stress while accomplishing your goals. But wait! I have two freebies below – don’t miss out on them – one to cultivate more calm in your life and the other to increase your productivity. Download them now!
Comments (11)
I sure hope you all are better today! Praying for you guys.
Ohhh man. Yes–I would say it MUST get better from here. Bless your heart, praying for you guys.
I’m sorry to laugh over something so unfunny!
I feel so bad for you and yet the way you told the story is hilarious!! Hope you all start feeling better soon and no one else gets sick.
oh, NO!
::::shudder:::: That is the WORST! I hope your day gets better!
Oh my goodness! It must get better. it simply must!!!
I am praying for you from my recovery bed… I have lots of time to pray:)
Oh yucky. I’m so sorry you guys are sick. Hope you feel better soon. I love you. Katie
I hate days like that:( I hope things have gotten better!
I always figure that if I have that first thing in the morning that nothing worse can happen to me all day….hope all is better soon.
I just read the post out loud to my husband. We can so relate! Sorry to get a laugh out of something so horrible…ugh! Hope you are all feeling better soon.
Mmmmmm vomit stories are the best. Hehe