I got sick. What can I say? The kind of sick where you want your mother to come and fix you soup because there’s no way you’re cutting vegetables and standing by a stock pot to make it for yourself. The kind of sick where you wake up from a nap, only to feel like you need more sleep. And the kind of sick where when the kids say they’re hungry for dinner, you offer them crackers and cheese with a piece of fruit then tell them to get it themselves.

It was only a cold, but boy did it do me in.

I was sick through Christmas and am still recovering from the fatigue … I envisioned Christmas break with lots of fun activities with the kids (baking, gingerbread house, puzzles, family games, etc). We watched a lot of movies instead. Gingerbread houses last forever, right? Because I already have one for next year in the cabinet, if ya know what I mean.

And now it is the New Year. Happy New Year! The Mayans were wrong. Yay for us. Boo for them.

The real question is if we are setting New Year’s resolutions. I am choosing one or two things to work on… are you?

I can’t help myself!  Kindof like starting a new work out should always start on a Monday, January feels like a big Monday to me. An opportunity to make myself weed through my files and get rid of useless paperwork. Or how about cleaning out closets and purging the toy pile…. that always makes me feel giddy. What are your resolutions for this year?

Comments (1)

  • Courtney / January 2, 2013 / Reply

    how MUCH did i love seeing you? SO much! why didn’t we take a picture?!?

    i hope you’re feeling even better and had a great new years!

    my goal – to be more at REST (in my spirit – not my body) and at PEACE amidst ALL circumstances.

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss