I saw this sign over the weekend in the rural community where my mom and…
Post-Glenn, Pre-Anatomical Repair Post Anatomical Repair Video I’ve been trying to get for months now…
Ryan is out of surgery and back in his room. He looks uh-may-zing!! A few…
They wheeled Ryan back about 5 minutes ago. They said it will probably be a…
Ryan is scheduled to have his anatomical repair on Wednesday morning. We will post as…
It’s interesting to me that most people don’t object to an orchestra having a conductor,…
Ryan had a good weekend. He was noticeably less agitated today than the previous two…
You thought I forgot didn’t you? Left you hangin’. Well, I didn’t. I was just a little occupied.…
Hi! I’m Leighann. I help busy women go from frazzled to fabulous. I talk about winning imperfectly at life, finding hope in every season, and learning to manage stress while accomplishing your goals. But wait! I have two freebies below – don’t miss out on them – one to cultivate more calm in your life and the other to increase your productivity. Download them now!