Answers and a Sneak Peak

March 13, 2010/Miscellaneous

Several of you had questions for me yesterday and I am taking this opportunity to answer them here. Don’t worry, if you have more, just ask them and I will answer them too.

1) Sarah asked: When do I have time for myself and what do I do?
I have time to myself once my children are asleep. They typically are all in bed and sleeping by 8 p.m. – sometimes a little earlier and sometimes a little later. Then I clean up the kitchen and relax. My version of relaxing is surfing the net, reading a book, or working on my latest writing project. Oh, and blogging of course. I also spend time with my husband doing husband and wife things like watching movies, connecting, talking and eating. On nights when I have a lot of energy I will finish up housework like laundry, organizing, and general cleaning. I try to leave this to day time though so I have some sort of mental break.
2) Wendy asked: What did I do before kids? Am I still sticking to my new grocery strategy? And, what did we name Ryan’s star?
Up until a year and a half before I had Natalie, I was a student by night and an executive assistant by day. After I completed my degree, I spent a year and a half working at the least stressful job I’d ever had. Seriously. And working with some pretty nice people too. It was the most idyllic time in my life.
Yes, I am sticking to my new grocery strategy – staying way under budget – and still going to more than one grocery store a week. Sometimes it’s four, sometimes it’s two. It really just depends on the sales going on that week.
Ryan’s star… I have not registered a name yet! Can you believe it? It is not on the top of my priority list, but I did read all the suggestions to Henry. We just never agreed on one and stuck with it. 🙁 I hope this doesn’t disappoint anyone…. I still have the registry paper and will do it when I have less going on… maybe by the time Ryan is in college!
3) SarahJoy asked: “When I blog, do I do it while multi-tasking or actually sitting down and concentrating.
I sit down and concentrate most of the time. I blog five days a week, sometimes more. I have friends who blog little snippets several times a day. I sometimes think to do this, but never have the time to actually stop and do it! I figure my kids will have more of their lives recorded than I did and that will have to suffice.
4)Beckysblog asked: How did Henry and I meet?
Henry and I met when he transferred sophomore year to the high school I was attending. We started hanging out the end of that year. We couldn’t drive yet so we basically went to each other’s house, hung out with each other’s families, and attended youth group activities. I know, fun stuff.
And a sneak peak – CSN is an online retailer of over 200 stores. They sell things ranging from kids bedding to cookware and everything in between. Shopping online is a great way to save time. It is becoming a good friend of mine! CSN recently contacted me and asked me to do a review of one of their products. So, in a few weeks, I will be letting you know what I think of this:
Jaccard Safe Hands Mandolin in ABS - 200421

Comments (6)

  • Heather from Ontario Canada / March 13, 2010 / Reply

    You should have a contest:) What IS the item you are testing? It either looks like some interesting exercise equipment or a slicer gadget, depending on its size. **grin**

  • jaetill / March 13, 2010 / Reply

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  • jaetill / March 13, 2010 / Reply

    Ooh a mandolin…Tell me how well it works, and of course how much it costs. Most of the cheesy plastic ones are fairly inexpensive, but the good ones are usually just above $100.

  • MotherGoose518 / March 14, 2010 / Reply

    Where in the world do you find the time to go to multiple grocery stores?!?!

  • Leighann / March 14, 2010 / Reply

    Now that I know the lay out of each store I stick to my list of sale items and am in and out. Many weeks I spend just as much time running to four stores as I used to doing my entire list at one store.

  • Karin @ 6ByHisDesign / March 17, 2010 / Reply

    HAHA! I’m with Heather – I was going to guess either a treadmill or an eggslicer! We’re on the same visual wave length!


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