A Day Downtown…

December 24, 2010/The Girls

One of the things on Henry’s list for this week was taking the kids downtown. Henry loves downtown. Loves.

Ryan woke up not feeling well which was okay since I realized we had a nurse coming to be with him anyway. So he stayed home.

However, the rest of us trekked down in the cold and bitter wind to see Designer Paul Busse’s uh-may-zing train exhibit. (Thanks, Gustavases, for telling us about it!)

Mr. Busse designs buildings made out of organic material based on existing structures. He then builds the structures out of heavy-duty foam board and he and about a dozen apprentices glue on organic matter to decorate the buildings.

Here is where we were today: The National Botanical Gardens. Made out of bark, sticks, mushrooms, etc. and flanked by poinsettias.

The Capitol Building – it’s even more amazing in person. Simply incredible.

A close up of the facade.

Natalie and Ainsley by the Christmas tree. Ainsley didn’t want her picture taken.

Watching the train….

The Supreme Court

There was the District buildings exhibit in the main hall and then a ‘world’s great buildings’ complete with train track in the special exhibit hall.

We saw places like Petra.

The Pyramid at Giza.

The Great Wall of China.

The Taj Mahal.

The Eiffel Tower

Neuschwanstein (only a third of the way complete – and yes, way taller than all the other buildings) And check out the bright hot-air balloon.

Some building in Asia. 😉

After leaving the exhibit, we toured the greenhouses. Natalie is becoming very nurturing to her sister. “Here Ains, you wanna see?”

We took a break for lunch and then headed to the American History Museum. The information desk clerk gave the girls a scavenger hunt list so instead of leisurely walking through the exhibits, we had to first find all the things on the list. Ainsley wouldn’t rest until we did. We tried going to a hands-on exhibit first, because that’s the floor we started on, but she kept saying, “We have to find the stuff! We have to find the stuff!” So we found the stuff and then walked at our own pace.

One of the things we found was a huge doll house.

I love the look on Natalie’s face.

And we found a subway car (the girls sitting in their own seat)

Ainsley rolling down the window.

And Natalie hamming it up.

When we saw the wall of presidents Ainsley said, “Where’s Barack Obama?” I led her along the wall and said, “There he is, the last one.” She said, “But I don’t see her!” I had to explain that Mrs. Obama is not the president, but is the president’s wife. “Oh” she said. I think she remembers last year and is getting things confused. At least she knows what a president is, right?

Comments (4)

  • Michelle / December 25, 2010 / Reply

    I had no idea they had one of these in DC, we just went to the one in NY when we were visiting family, they are truly amazing artist who can create those things. Posted some of the NY buildings on my blog if you want to take a peak. Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  • Marmi / December 25, 2010 / Reply

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to Mr. and Mrs. Giant and the Three Hobbitts! Love, Marmi

  • Courtney / December 29, 2010 / Reply

    we’re going there tomorrow! just the botanical gardens…but we can’t wait!

  • Jennifer / December 29, 2010 / Reply

    So that’s how you pluralize our last name! 🙂 We always just say Gustavi – like Alumni – LOL.

    Glad you enjoyed it and that also answers my question – it IS different every year. The DC buildings we saw were in the main front room and there weren’t any from other places – like the Eiffel tower or Great Wall. Were those in the room with the trains? If so then maybe it’s the train display that changes every year. The trains had more of an elf and fairy feel the year we went I think.

    Anyway, glad you enjoyed it.

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