Today is the last day of no school for the winter break. Yes, technically we have the weekend still, but that will just feel like a regular weekend.

I have mixed emotions. I loved this break. The balance between quiet sitting and fun activities. However, sometimes the bickering is more than I can take…. and the noise. I think at one point yesterday, the alarm on my phone was going off (out of reach while I was nursing) while the kids were dancing to salsa music in the same room I was nursing Piper in.  All and all though it’s been a great two weeks.

Yesterday, the kids took Piper to the basement with them to play. I went down to see what they were up to. Piper was resting comfortably in a doll crib while the bigs played around her.


It snowed lightly all day which resulted in a few inches by bedtime.


Enough to make snow cream by mid-afternoon.


I can’t help but post this one… the girls brought the doll crib to the first floor and Piper spent any time not being held in the crib. She seemed to like it well enough.


While she slept, we had a dance party to Pandora’s Alan Merken station (the guy who writes a lot of Disney movie songs). Ryan asked me if my belly was better – his litmus test for if I can pick him up or dip him while dancing. I informed him not quite yet, but soon (hopefully).


This was my lap after one of Piper’s feedings. And yes, I did not get out of my pj’s all day long… my goal today is to take a shower, put on makeup and big girl clothes.


The kids weren’t sick of dancing so they also partied to the Just Dance wii game.


The new year always energizes me. The thought of starting over motivates me to get back on top of my game. I got a new white board for Christmas – mine broke a little while ago. Chores, instrument practice, and homework accountability all fell by the wayside without our little cheat sheet. I’m looking forward to getting the kids back on their afternoon schedules.

My big projects for 2014 will have to wait a little while. My incision isn’t healing as fast as it could. My OB says it’s common with a repeat c-section to have some areas that don’t heal up right away. I still have an actual wound so I’m on an antibiotic to prevent infection. I’m still trying not to lift much or stretch to reach high things. This slows me down, but again, it’s a great excuse to take things easy. If you think about it though, please pray for me. That it would heal in the next week or so…. that there wouldn’t be any complications… that I would be patient with myself now that school and Girl Scouts and extracurricular activities are starting back up. My goal was to be back on my feet by this time…. it’s easy to lay low when the kids don’t have to be anywhere. The challenge starts on Monday… I hope I’m up for it.

Have a great weekend, everyone!



Comments (5)

  • Heather from Ontario Canada / January 3, 2014 / Reply

    I’ll keep you in my prayers 🙂

  • Janna / January 3, 2014 / Reply


  • Richelle / January 3, 2014 / Reply

    Some of my fondest memories are of visiting with you and your sisters and your mom! I remember many times we would put your little sisters (I don’t know that we ever did with John) in our doll beds and play house. Or sometimes, the moms would let us take them out in the wagon. Those were great days!! I’m so glad we spent the time together that we did as children!

    I’ll be praying for your incision to heal…I know how discouraging that is when you can’t get moving like you want. When I had Polly (vaginal delivery) I seemed to bounce right back. With Cyrus, I had never had any surgery before (other than tonsils/adenoids) and that knocked me for a loop. When I also contracted MRSA, that was the icing on the cake. I was down and out for a long time. Hugs to you!!

  • Suzy / January 3, 2014 / Reply

    Praying for you and your beautiful family. God made our bodies very smart and very good at telling us exactly what to do, if only we listen to them. Your body is telling you that you need more rest and more days in your PJ’s. School, Girls Scouts and extra-curriculars will be fine on their own for a few more weeks. Don’t be too hard on yourself or feel bad about letting those things go. You are doing exactly what you need to do right now. I hope you heal quickly and feel better soon! Let us know if we can do anything for you!

  • sharon / January 3, 2014 / Reply

    Praying that your incision heal without any infection or complication…it’s good to take it easy.
    Take care!

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