a safe place to land – revisted

April 14, 2015/Confessions of a SAHM

for years I thought I was doing the right thing.

striving to make a soft place for them to land. making it as comfortable as i could and letting every emotional weight land on my shoulders.

for years, I thought if I could carry it all for them, explain it all to them, and talk them into the confidence I had in them….. then all would be right.

my family. my heart.

in making a soft place for them to land, i didn’t make a safe place for them to be human.

that is my new goal. my new mantra.

dear family – –

it will be safe for you to feel unhappy. scared. unsure of yourself.

it will be safe for you to speak your heart and be heard.

it will be safe to yell and scream and cry,

laugh and squeal and dance.

i can’t promise comfortable, cozy, and peaceful all the time,

but I can promise safe.

Comments (1)

  • LeeAnne / April 14, 2015 / Reply

    The first part of this post just described me perfectly. I, too, always felt the need to shoulder everything for my family. My kids are now grown and I have four grandchildren. I wish I would have read something like this 25+ years ago! You are so inspiring to me!
    PS: I also LOVED the 40-day Lenten series!! Well done!!

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss