I have another baby so it’s time to start another baby book. I pulled out all my scrapbooking stuff to get ready for a day of scrapping today. I pulled out Ryan’s because I’m not yet done with his first year yet…. I only have February through May done. I hope to finish his up too, while I’m working on Piper’s.



Just four months done. There’s so much more to document.


So much happened.


Looking through the pages took me back to those days. I found myself getting panicky and sad. We went through so much.


It’s sad when you have scrapbook pages for the first, second, and third time you held your baby… especially when it happened over a month span. I don’t know if I have it in me to scrap every detail. There is a book out there, ya know. So maybe a much more condensed version of the next 8 months will do….

Comments (3)

  • Lisa / January 29, 2014 / Reply

    Awww. I really enjoyed your book and have it on my kindle. You have a fantastic way with words and I really think you could write more books.

  • Janna / January 29, 2014 / Reply

    The book is awesome. That’s a pretty nice “scrap book”! Just throw in some pics. 🙂 In all seriousness you did go through so much…but you made it through. God’s miracle!

  • Courtney / February 3, 2014 / Reply

    you’re good with the book, totally good! 🙂

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss