Piper’s making herself at home….

December 10, 2013/Family

Yes we are home. We came home Saturday afternoon and hit the ground running. Well, I didn’t run, but we did have quite the hectic day. Thankfully my mom and sister Johanna were here to help. Even with them and Henry doing housework, childcare and errands, it was a busy day.

Fun fact: henry was out running errands Saturday and while doing a U-turn saw the exact car we’ve been looking for. He stopped in the dealership and found out they had one just getting ready to go to the lot that was exactly what we wanted. A few hours later I was in the dealership signing the paperwork. What a way to celebrate the coming home of your fourth child! Β At least we can all fit in one car now. Shew! (I’ll have to remember to take a picture for you guys)

Here’s Piper all bundled up to come home.


The kids couldn’t stop playing with her while we ate lunch. They are still infatuated with her a week into her life.


Piper did well the first night only waking for two feedings in the night. She had a little period of fussiness but we were able to settle her within 20 minutes. It was a record first night for me…. the girls both cried several hours their first night home. I remember sitting by Natalie’s bassinet going into the fourth hour of crying and thinking, “Can someone just take her back for a few hours so I can sleep?”

Speaking of Natalie, she came down early Sunday morning and read Piper a book. Piper woke at 6:30 for a feeding and I had *so much sleep* that I felt good enough to stay up for the day.


Lying in the bassinet (that really looks like a miniature crib) that my grandmother and mother used for their babies. I wish I had known the history of this crib… I would’ve used it for all my kids.


Second night not as good as the first…. in fact, it was a typical first night… we were just a day late. Piper did great the first part of the night but when she woke for her 2:30 am feeding she simply did not want to settle afterward. We were up until 5:30. I sent this picture to Henry the next day with a text that said, “This is what I did for three hours last night. Aren’t I funny?”


The reality is that she didn’t scream the entire time – she really just fussed on and off and wasn’t interested in sleeping. She’s lucky she’s so cute.


Comments (9)

  • ~liz / December 11, 2013 / Reply

    she is adorable!! with a full head of dark hair, too! it mut be so different having older children to help you this time around?

    • (Author) Leighann / December 11, 2013 / Reply

      Liz – so different with big girl helpers. even Ryan gets in on the action retrieving clean diapers and throwing dirty ones away! So nice to have all the little hands.

  • Lisa / December 11, 2013 / Reply

    She is just beautiful, and I think it is beyond sweet big sister is reading to her. My goodness I so forgot those first few hard days when they first come home. I forgot how much I miss those tiny clenched fists, and new born cries and when they snuggle into your chest for those cat naps.

  • Janna / December 11, 2013 / Reply

    Awww yes…the first few days!! They are so hard! So after my fourth…this is what worked for us. The Rock n Play Sleeper by Fisher Price. Seriously…read the reviews. It is magical.
    Piper is beautiful!!! So glad for the update and more pics…I’ve been checking!! πŸ™‚

  • Suzy / December 11, 2013 / Reply

    She is absolutely beautiful! Congrats from the whole Ziller family! I am praying that she settles in and decides that she is really good at sleeping through the night! Hope you are feeling well and recovering quickly because I know there is probably no time to recover slowly. Take it easy on yourself and let us know if you need anything.

  • Heidi / December 11, 2013 / Reply

    Looks like you have a lot of little hobbits eager to help! Too bad they can’t feed her for you! I still can’t believe you had another baby πŸ™‚ She is so adorable!

  • sharon / December 11, 2013 / Reply

    Too cute!

  • Marmi / December 11, 2013 / Reply

    Welcome, baby Piper Rose!!!
    Love, Marmi

  • Linda / December 11, 2013 / Reply

    I love your new little Hobbit! She is so beautiful!

    That is a funny car story…but I am glad you can now all fit in the same car! πŸ™‚

    I am glad you are all settling in now that you are both home. It is nice that you have so many helpers!

    Love, Linda

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss