Extreme Makeover – The Big Reveal

September 3, 2009/Ryan
Post-Glenn, Pre-Anatomical Repair

Post Anatomical Repair
Video I’ve been trying to get for months now and finally got last week of Ryan loving on his heart while sleeping. 

Comments (52)

  • Anonymous / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    WOW!!!!! I am crying…of course, I do have a tendency toward that anyway 🙂 but wow! MOM

  • TIFFANY / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Wow! What a HUGE difference! I am so happy to hear that things are going well. Still keeping him in my prayers.

    LOVE the video! So sweet!

  • Debbie / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    That is amazing! What a precious little Ryan you have.

  • Abi / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    WOW!!! What a difference!

  • Mary Ellen / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    What a big difference! Praying that recovery is smooth and as quick as can be for all of you. The video is just amazing. Kids are so adaptable even when they have organs in “new” places 🙂

  • Jess / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    AMAZING!!!! I am crying happy tears. It just melts my heart to see your little boy. Praying hard for Ryan and his family from New Prague, Minnesota.

  • Kim / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Absolutely amazing. He is a beautiful and strong little boy!

  • Jessica / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    He looks great!!!! Praying for you guys!!

  • Elana / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    I have tears in my eyes — especially after watching that video. it’s almost like he’s going along with the music. You’ve got one amazing little boy.

  • Jamie D / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    You were right, he looks amazing!! Yay! God is great!

  • babyyahyah / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    awww praying for ryan

  • Leslie / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    I am in love with your baby boy! He is so strong and I know he makes you proud. I am praying for you and your sweet family.

    Blessings from Arkansas!

  • Trennia / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Praise the sweet Lord for His goodness!

  • Anonymous / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Leighann…these pics and video are amazing! I really love how he is loving his heart while he sleeps…might feel a little funny to him now. He looks absolutely wonderful! I can’t stop looking at his new pic! I shared his transformation with my office mates too…they are amazed! What a great God we have!! Love ya!

  • Rachel / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    It astounds me that his tiny body can withstand all of this.. He looks spent, but looks great. So happy to hear he is alright.

    Reno, Nevada

  • Tara Crooks / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    That is amazing. What a mighty God we serve. He has kept Ryan cradled in his Arms and protected him with His hands!

  • Lis / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Not sure there are words to express how wonderful he looks! The video was truly amazing! Our prayer are with you..

  • Amanda / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Holy Cow!!! That is a HUGE difference. You must be so relieved that he is doing well. I’ll remember your family in my prayers.

  • Tasha Hall / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    This is so amazing, I have been following your miracle all through and have prayed and shed tears with you through it all. What a testimony you have been for me and I know for so many others. I can’t wait to meet this miracle of yours one day. What a blessing it’s been to watch Baby Ryan fight for his life with one amazing will.

  • Emma and Company / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Wow, I am amazed. What a precious little guy!! Such an amazing video. Prayers are still continuing for a smooth recovery!!

  • Julie / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    How awesome! He looks great! We’re praying he recovers quickly.

  • Julie / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    oh my he looks so good…and that video made my heart melt, he is so cute!

  • Beckysblog / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Beyond amazing.
    What a tough little man.

  • Maggie / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    He looks amazing! It’s so good to see his chest looking more proportional without the expanders. I <3 the video.

  • Alyson / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Ryan looks absolutely AMAZING!!!!!

    The video of him with his heart is quite beautiful and peaceful. What an amazing testament he is.

    He has come so far in his short life and has endured more than any baby should ever have to. He is such handsome little man :0)

    And you……Let’s not forget about you…..Your strength is breath taking……and you are just absolutely amazing!!

    I pray that he continues to do well!!!

  • dg darling / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    That is too cute! Do you think he will miss it now? It’s like his woobie…his lovey you know? I am just so glad that he is doing so good. What an amazing difference! I’ll continue praying for his quick and whole recovery.

  • Avery Tales / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Oh my goodness! He looks wonderful!! I’m so glad to hear that the surgery went so incredibly well. We’re still praying for sweet Ryan!

  • The Scherms / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    He looks awesome! I’m glad both procedures went so well! He looks like he is “playing his heart” with the music! Does he miss it now that it’s inside?

    We are praying for you all!!

  • Dana / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Precious, beautiful boy.

  • Megan / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Wow, he looks SO GOOD! Praise God! What a miracle little Ryan is! Continuing to pray for awesome outcomes!

  • Marmi / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Like a message I heard recently: Our God does “beyond beyond” all that we can ask or think & we thank HIM! Ephesians 3:20

  • Terri and Fam / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Amazing! God is so GREAT!! Praying for all of you!

  • Faith M. / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Wow! He looks great!

  • johanna / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Wow! Just the lack of skin expanders gives the boy a better look. L.O.V.E. the video of him “loving his heart”. That was precious. Must of been kind of neat to feel something beating in his hand.
    God has been so good. I am thanking and praising him for all He has done. Will continue to pray for recovery and protection.

  • RamblingMommy / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Wow! He looks incredible! You are all in our prayers!

  • redboy33 / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Someone linked your story to an article on cnn.com about a boy in India with a similar (but seemingly less complicated) story as Ryan. I’m glad I clicked on it. Ryan is truly amazing. I wish your family all the best and will keep you in my prayers..

  • Anonymous / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    Just wait until he gets older. His hand will move down south, lol. He looks great, so glad to hear is doing so well!!


  • Anonymous / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    How great he looks. Still praying for the family and Ryan. Amanda Luhn

  • ann / September 3, 2009 / Reply

    MAN – that’s amazing! Our God is an awesome God. Rest for all this weekend, prayers for everyone – including mom and dad.

  • Anonymous / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    Amazing!! Continued prayers for the little warrior! I loved the video:)

  • Michelle / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    Wow, Amazing…Praise God! he’s beautiful. The video is so sweet.

  • Courtney / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    Wow! Just wow he looks like a totally different baby. Congratulations and I wish him a quick recovery!

  • Tracey / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    That is so precious to seem him just petting and stroking his tender heart. We should all be so loving and gentle on our own hearts.

  • Linda / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    Oh Praise God! I am so glad that everything is going well for Ryan. He is a precious baby and lots of prayers have gone up for him.

    Rejoicing with you!
    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  • Linda / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    Oh Praise God! I am so glad that everything is going well for Ryan. He is a precious baby and lots of prayers have gone up for him.

    Rejoicing with you!
    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  • Becca / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    He looks fantastic! Must feel much better, too, I hadn’t quite realised how big the spacers were, he’s all deflated now. 🙂

    /friendly lurker, over and out.

  • Michelle / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    Praise the Lord! Ryan is looking awesome! Very amazing! Cute video! Will continue to pray for Ryan’s recovery. 🙂

  • Melissa / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    Wow, what an amazing and strong boy! I can’t imagine all you have been through. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Wishing Ryan a speedy recovery!

  • ostacy / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    that’s amazing. thanks for sharing such an intimate moment of your son’s life with us. one of the biggest lessons i’ll ever get out of reading about ryan’s experience is that in the future, people can say that he truly is beautiful on the inside and outside. we’ve all been able to see his heart…literally. he’s the bravest boy i’ve ever known. how blessed he is to have a mother like you and a family like yours, and how blessed are you to have been entrusted to such a special gift from God. it makes me just want to keep on praising Him. <3

  • Lori Musacchio / September 4, 2009 / Reply

    SO SWEET!!!! Keeping him in my prayers! Lori Musacchio

  • Courtney / September 7, 2009 / Reply

    praying for peace, rest and encouragement for you tonight…what a HUGE couple weeks you’ve had!!!

  • Anonymous / September 9, 2009 / Reply

    Goosebumps, I love your little family and you give me faith to tackle little things. YOU ARE A-MAZ-ING and Ryan is truly an inspiration! Your sense of humor and willingness to carry on keeps me reading and praying.

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss