My title sounds much like a porn video, but I assure you, this is a G rated post. An example of something that isn’t a simple pleasure is going to the spa. You have to find a sitter, shower, do your hair, get presentable clothes on, drive there, enjoy yourself for less time than it took to get out of the house, then drive home again. This is n.o.t. simple. 

However, a cup of hot tea – simple pleasure. In fact, a cup of hot tea is probably my favorite simple pleasure outside of things my children do. Watching the girls play together, giggling about one thing or another, or singing along to the radio, or laughing – really laughing, those are hard to beat. I don’t drink as much hot tea as I’d like. I don’t like having hot liquids around babies and toddlers. I know, I’m paranoid, but I just have this thing with hot stuff and kids. 
So, I really look forward to vacations without the kids. I drink hot tea non-stop. That’s what I did this past weekend on our girls getaway, at least a cup or two a day. And since coming home, a cup of hot tea before bedtime. Yum, it’s so delicious. 
What’s your favorite simple pleasure (other than your kids)?

Comments (4)

  • whittybrooke / January 9, 2009 / Reply

    Reading a good Christian fiction novel is probably my favorite thing to do. It’s hard to find un-interrupted to do it sometimes with 2 little ones, but it’s good when I can. Reading while sitting in a hot bath is even better, but I think that may inch over into the ‘not so simple’ since it can be harder to do without planning.:-) Cute post…. and I don’t think I would’ve even thought of porno if you hadn’t mentioned it! Probably because I know what it’s like to enjoy ‘simple pleasures’ too.

  • Courtney / January 9, 2009 / Reply

    a diet coke. or a bowl of ice cream.

  • The Curly Redhead / January 11, 2009 / Reply

    hot bath, in the winter. cold coca cola in the summer – but I’m easily re-addicted, so I only allow myself one a month.

  • neverdullwithkids / January 15, 2009 / Reply

    Hot tea and a good book! Hot tea watching TV is not the same…

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