Hello Advent Season!

December 1, 2010/Holidays

Hello, December. Hello, Advent Season. Hello, Holidays.

Okay, since the formalities are now out of the way, let’s get down to business. All over the cyberworld, moms are talking about doing something special every day of December leading up to Christmas. E v e r y d a y.

I’m not that good.

Really. It’s too overwhelming for me to do something special every single day. But we will do special things throughout the next month.

I have a few things up my sleeve. For one, I bought a book with four different ‘Chrimstasy’ stories in it for twenty-five cents at a thrift store. I’m not sure what I’m more excited about: the price or the fact it will last four different nights.

And I have a gingerbread house. And we’ll get a tree. And trim the mantle. And bake cookies for the neighbors.

If I get all that done in the next 25 days, I’ll be happy with myself. And really, the girls won’t know the difference.

What holiday tricks do you have up your sleeve?

Comments (1)

  • Maggie / December 1, 2010 / Reply

    We listen to Christmas carols, read stories relating to Christmas, talk about the reason for Christmas, do Advent calendars, weaving it all into life. Occassionally we will do a special craft like a gingerbread house, but not very often.

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(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss