Search Results for: "what if you're not happy this christmas"

5 Results Here
What if you’re not happy this Christmas?

Christmas is supposed to be the most hap- happiest time of the year. But what if you don’t feel hap-happy? What if your thoughts of a perfect Christmas aren’t shaping up and without a divine miracle will not be…

What the American Girl doll store taught my daughters

1.  It’s still fun to be a little girl In this age where the world tries to oversexualize and mature our girls at a rate faster than this mommy likes, I loved seeing my girls having a TON of fun…

Random Thoughts.

My Thursday version of Seven Quick Takes since our Pinterest party is on Fridays. Pinterest Party (that was a subliminal message). Pinterest. Party. (there it was again) 1. Jeremy Lin: If you don’t know who he is (Kobe Bryant),…

It’s My Party…

I’m not going to lie. I was really happy when the Glenn procedure was over. We talked about it for six long months. We planned for it and looked forward to it and I got really nervous for the…

(c) 2016 Leighann Marquiss