3 signs I need to get out more…

January 26, 2015/Confessions
1. When I have a few hours to myself, without children and husband, even better an entire day where I have to drive several hours to an event and back BY MYSELF. I get giddy and think of every special thing I can do to make my day fabulous. First stop: an overpriced, over-sugared chai latte that I didn’t have to make myself.  On the radio: talk. Almost any talk radio. I don’t give a rat’s arse what they’re talking about as long as it’s an adult and they’re saying something other than, “Mommy, I have to potty” because it’s frustrating enough coming from a child in the backseat, but downright freaky coming from an adult.
2. I’m on the phone with a friend (in the car, hands-free of course) and when I arrive at my destination I keep trying to talk to her because somehow all the stars aligned and we haven’t been interrupted yet. Instead of running a quick errand to the grocery store I find myself wandering around wondering what I need even though it’s written on the list staring me back in the face. I admittedly am not capable of shopping and talking at the same time. Do you do this? I can multi-task in many situations, but grocery shopping and talking – not one of them. Not One Of Them At All. I’ve stood in front of the tomato sauces gazing back and forth between brands as if I need to think of which one to buy…. as if I haven’t bought Prego Traditional for 19 years. 19 years…. I have siblings who are barely older than that and I’m suddenly paralyzed while deciding which sauce to go for. Although it pains me greatly to end the conversation, it becomes a choice of survival… food or conversation.
3. When I walk into a bookstore or library I get tingly and energized thinking of all the books I *need* to read. Sometimes I even pick up a few or seven before realizing I barely have time to read the news and my Bible daily…. I really need to work on this. Hint: I subscribed to Skimm a few months ago and I don’t feel like I live under a rock anymore. It’s a daily email of the top news headlines that you can skim while sipping your cup of morning joe or hot tea.

Comments (2)

  • Lisa / January 26, 2015 / Reply

    I can so relate, I love going into a bookstore without 3 little voices whine they need another book, not that I am not promoting reading, the girls have tons of books they have not read yet. I really love to go and eat some fries by myself all nice and hot without having to eat them cold, because we all not mommy is always the last one to sit down, dang there has been so many times I have seerved everyone said grace barely have a bite or 3 and a few of the hoovers are wanting more…but it seems when I have quiet time I always fall asleep….

  • Courtney Smith Cassada / January 28, 2015 / Reply

    love skimm, too. although most days i even delete it before reading :/

    also can’t multi-task and groc shop – and i wish i COULD!!

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